Full Moon in Leo Tarotscope
We’re trying something new. Every new and full moon I record a three card tarot reading for my members of my online studio - Unicorn Wellness Studio.com - and my guides have been nudging me to share a portion of these readings, here, as mini episodes!
We’re gonna give it a go. If ya’ll end up loving these and are listening to them….we’ll keep ‘em…if not…we’ll stick to our zodiac season forecasts and our guest interviews.
We’re always in response to each other around here to see what best supports, serves, and guides your personal revolution.
In this episode you’re getting the first card out of this full moon in Leo reading. The Page of Wands awaits you.
If this card resonates with you, and perhaps piques your interest to hear the whole thing, you can listen in full by activating 30-day guest access - for free - here. And, who knows, you may love these tarot readings so much you decide to become a member of the studio and get them every month, in full, twice a month at every full and new moon.
This full moon occurs on Sunday, February 5th at 12:25 pm CST in the Northern Hemisphere **Please adjust for your timezone**
This energy is thickest February 2nd through 8th, 2023.
If you aim to cast spells or ritualize this lunation, anytime in this window is best, but is considered most powerful on the 5th.
We’re working with Leo energies in this lunation.
Make sure to check your chart and see what house Leo sits in for you, this is where your lessons and blessings will be taking place under this lunation.
Be sure to check back in two weeks for your new moon tarot guidance!
Follow and DM me on IG @tandy_gutierrez
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Check out my online studio UnicornWellnessStudio.com for an efficient and thoughtful self-care practice - body, mind, and spirit - for the open-hearted, spiritual seekers, witchy, and woo-woo curious - magic makers of the world since 2013.