$655.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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1:1 Magical Mentoring Spring '24 (4 payment)

This session is for:

  • The goal getter who hears the call of their soul to push a little harder for healing and manifestation.
  • Souls who are tired of playing small or feeling unworthy of abundance and are ready to grow into their empowerment
  • Those who are driven to dismantle internalized patriarchy & misogyny. 
  • Those who are ready to break the cycles of trying and finally get to the 'I AM A GODDESS!'

Every month's magic:

  • An offline 5 card personal tarot reading - 1 card for where things are at, this month, 1 card for next best steps towards your goal this month, 1 card for big steps towards your goal this month, assets to the situation, and the outcome this month. 
  • Unique mantras, journaling prompts and to-do lists + crystals or essential oil recommended specific to that month's reading to create actionable tactics to your goal(s) that come directly from your 5 card reading
  • A 75-min 1:1 accountability & strategy check-in phone call each month.